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What to trade? – the most commonly traded securities

Wallstreet, New York, Home of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Wallstreet, New York, Home of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

In this article, I will discuss the possible securities you may consider for trading. After reading my previous posts you should have figured out why you want to get into trading in the first place and you have learned about ways to trade. Now it is time to look into what to trade. All trade-able paper assets have their own characteristics and come with their own pros and cons. Continue reading “What to trade? – the most commonly traded securities”

Why Trade? – the Question You need to Ask before you Start

Why Trade?
Why Trade?

This post is the first in a series of posts I am writing to guide you in getting started trading. It is the start of my Free Investing and Trading For Beginners Course. You could skip this post and go straight to the next posts if you feel that the answer to the question “Why Trade” is not of value to your trading. But for me personally answering this question changed me from being a break-even trader to a trader with an edge in the markets. Trading consistently profitably is hard and it takes a lot of practice. Therefore let’s talk first about a fundamental question most people skip before they take up the challenge of trading or any other challenge for that matter. Continue reading “Why Trade? – the Question You need to Ask before you Start”

Why I am a Trader and Investor and Why You Might Wanna be One Too

No, it’s not because of the Ferrari

I am a coder by day and trader by night! Coding is my day job. I am fully aware that only having a job will not allow me to provide for my family and myself consistently in the long run. This is because most of the western societies are setup in a way to be more and more disadvantageous towards the working middle class. I do not need to be a billionaire to be happy, but our society is becoming more and more binary. It seems that one can either be rich or poor, in which case I opt to be rich, or at least hedge myself against being poor. Trading and investing are my hedge against this trend.

Continue reading “Why I am a Trader and Investor and Why You Might Wanna be One Too”