Why I am a Trader and Investor and Why You Might Wanna be One Too

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No, it’s not because of the Ferrari

I am a coder by day and trader by night! Coding is my day job. I am fully aware that only having a job will not allow me to provide for my family and myself consistently in the long run. This is because most of the western societies are setup in a way to be more and more disadvantageous towards the working middle class. I do not need to be a billionaire to be happy, but our society is becoming more and more binary. It seems that one can either be rich or poor, in which case I opt to be rich, or at least hedge myself against being poor. Trading and investing are my hedge against this trend.

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Getting into crypto currencies and block chain technology

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It was in 2011 that I first picked up on something like Bitcoin as a digital currency. In 2013 my brother and I decided to buy some of this digital currency via a US based startup: Coinbase. I finally did not buy any, because ultimately I decided it was all a load of hot air, a bubble. My brother decided to try his luck and bought bitcoins worth of 50 USD. He made a backup of his wallet and than forgot about it. Then some exchanges got hacked and wallets were stolen. Many people just lost all their money. And I was thinking, I was right to call this a scam.

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Building wealth investing in indices

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I have been researching strategies to invest money for my retirement in a smart way, that does not take a lot of time and does not keep me up at night. After many, maybe hundreds of hours I finally came up with a very simple strategy. In this video I show you what my back tests are showing. I am working on an e-book in which I will explain in detail how the strategy can work for you and how I use it to build up wealth of my own. Let me know in a comment if you are interested in the e-book. It will motivate me to get it out sooner rather than later.

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