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Python Code

Hi there, my name is Dave and I’m a jack-of-all-trades (well, at least when it comes to the tech world).

I’m a coder working with Python and data, using all the coolest open source tools on Linux.

I use the high-paying skill that is coding to fund my endeavors in trading and investing with the ultimate goal to break free from the matrix.

I also believe that anyone can and should learn how to code and understand how the internet and web technologies work. It’s an essential part of being a well-rounded, tech-savvy human in today’s world.


I’m a self-taught programmer who has been tinkering with all things tech for many, many years. It all started with running Debian Linux on my desktop (and later, laptop) – back in the day, it wasn’t always easy to get all the hardware working perfectly, so I had to do a lot of hacking and scripting to get everything up and running. From there, I taught myself how to set up web servers and run websites, including databases.

My first professional IT job was as an eCommerce manager, setting up a web shop for a fashion company. But I quickly realized that I was more of a craftsman than a manager, so I moved on to jobs where I could actually work on software (see my Linkedin profile for more details). Over the years, I’ve worked with a variety of stacks and technologies, including:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Vb-script
  • C#
  • Java
  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • XML
  • XSLT
  • Bash
  • Windows server
  • Linux server
  • Docker
  • Python
  • and many more.

You could say I’m a full-stack developer – I’ve got experience with everything!

I’ve also worked with various frameworks like:

  • Django
  • Pyramid
  • Flask
  • Bootstrap
  • AngularJS
  • EmberJS
  • and VueJS.

Right now, I’m focusing mainly on back-end work using Python and PostgreSQL. In my day job, I deal with a lot of data and I build data ingestion and processing pipelines, APIs, and front-ends on a dockerized / kubernetes infrastructure. It’s a lot of fun and I’m always learning new things!

Learn How to Code

There is a lot of free online content that will help you yo Learn How To Code. I have produced some as well.

I have a free mini course here on my blog: Learn How To Code with Python

And I also have a coding playlist on my Youtube channel for you to check out.

My Blog Posts About Coding

  • by Dave Tromp
    Ten reasons to use Ubuntu When I tell people all of my personal computers run on Ubuntu Linux, most people know what I am talking about. Some of them then ask me: why? Aren’t the other existing systems any good. Well, the truth is, they are good and in some ways, they are very good. […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    Web scraping, data mining any website In this article, I will show you how you can data mine any website and export the data to a spreadsheet. I will do so by showing you an example of an actual project I took on. I found the project on the freelancing website UpWork. The posting was […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    So, you want to buy Bitcoin automatically every month, week or even every day? In this article, I will show you three ways to automate your recurring Cryptocurrency buying from very easy, which will require no technical skills, to more complicated ways, that will require some technical skills. Let’s have a look at how to […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    Basic code? In this lesson, I bring together the few basics discussed in the previous videos and this video. To do this I will discuss one more important principle in programming and that is: Datatypes I have already introduced some data types like strings, integers, and floats. But there are more types you need to […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    One of the most useful things to know how to do when just learning how to program is knowing how to read and write text files. In this video, I show you how to do just that. Example code from the video: >>> f = open(‘Desktop/lorumipsum.txt’)>>> print(f)>>> f.readline()‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,…. … Continue reading […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    Below is lesson number 3 in the series: Learn how to code with Python. In this lesson I explain the basic things you need to know to start working productively with numbers in Python. In the video I talk about the different types of numbers: Integers, or int in Python Floating point number, or float […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    In this lesson, I show you how you can work with text. Text in programming lingo is also referred to as a string. And a string can be described as a group of characters. A character can be a letter, a number, a space, a comma, a point, a hash (#), etc.. So far, so […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    Learn How to Code With Python – Lesson 01 In this first lesson of my free video course: Learn how to code with Python, you will write your first python program. You may think that the program isn’t much, but actually, it is a big step to get code to run for the first time […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    Learn How to Code With Python – Intro Below is an intro to my free mini video course: In this course, I will teach you fundamental coding skills using the Python programming language. Why? I believe that anyone should learn how to code. Coding / Computation is all around us and you will understand more […]
  • by Dave Tromp
    Running and installing from USB So once you have got Ubuntu on your live usb drive, you are ready to boot your computer with it. In this article I will go through the process of booting your computer or laptop from a live Ubuntu usb stick and installing Ubuntu on your machine. Let’s go! Setting […]


If you are interested in a career in coding and / or you have any questions, then the best way to contact me is to reach out on Linkedin. I am always willing to help out coders or consult with potential clients. Please let me know in your connection message, that you visited my website.