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What to trade? – the most commonly traded securities

Wallstreet, New York, Home of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Wallstreet, New York, Home of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

In this article, I will discuss the possible securities you may consider for trading. After reading my previous posts you should have figured out why you want to get into trading in the first place and you have learned about ways to trade. Now it is time to look into what to trade. All trade-able paper assets have their own characteristics and come with their own pros and cons. Continue reading “What to trade? – the most commonly traded securities”

Why Trade? – the Question You need to Ask before you Start

Why Trade?
Why Trade?

This post is the first in a series of posts I am writing to guide you in getting started trading. It is the start of my Free Investing and Trading For Beginners Course. You could skip this post and go straight to the next posts if you feel that the answer to the question “Why Trade” is not of value to your trading. But for me personally answering this question changed me from being a break-even trader to a trader with an edge in the markets. Trading consistently profitably is hard and it takes a lot of practice. Therefore let’s talk first about a fundamental question most people skip before they take up the challenge of trading or any other challenge for that matter. Continue reading “Why Trade? – the Question You need to Ask before you Start”

10 reasons why you should use Ubuntu

Ten reasons to use Ubuntu
Ten reasons to use Ubuntu

When I tell people all of my personal computers run on Ubuntu Linux, most people know what I am talking about. Some of them then ask me: why? Aren’t the other existing systems any good. Well, the truth is, they are good and in some ways, they are very good. But there is more to an operation system, then it being technically good. As our world, or at least my world is becoming more and more dependent on computer and software for it’s every day functioning there are other reasons to consider when choosing the software you use to do your everyday stuff, like shopping and online banking.

So here are the 10 reasons why I use Ubuntu on all my personal computers:

Continue reading “10 reasons why you should use Ubuntu”

Build more wealth with gold

United States Mint
United States Mint cutting back on the coin production

I believe everyone can maintain and build more wealth by holding gold.

In this article, I will try to build my case for this belief. I will cite some bullish news facts for gold. Then I will move on to look at inflation and explain to you why I think inflation is theft and show you that it is robbing you of your wealth. I will conclude with some paragraphs on the Turkish Lira and my personal experience in Turkey that has shaped my way of thinking about money, wealth, and gold in particular. Continue reading “Build more wealth with gold”