10 reasons why you should use Ubuntu

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Ten reasons to use Ubuntu
Ten reasons to use Ubuntu

When I tell people all of my personal computers run on Ubuntu Linux, most people know what I am talking about. Some of them then ask me: why? Aren’t the other existing systems any good. Well, the truth is, they are good and in some ways, they are very good. But there is more to an operation system, then it being technically good. As our world, or at least my world is becoming more and more dependent on computer and software for it’s every day functioning there are other reasons to consider when choosing the software you use to do your everyday stuff, like shopping and online banking.

So here are the 10 reasons why I use Ubuntu on all my personal computers:

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How to Automatically Buy Bitcoin Every Month

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Three Ways to Automatically Buy Bitcoin Every Month, Week, Day
Three Ways to Automatically Buy Bitcoin Every Month, Week, Day

So, you want to buy Bitcoin automatically every month, week or even every day? In this article, I will show you three ways to automate your recurring Cryptocurrency buying from very easy, which will require no technical skills, to more complicated ways, that will require some technical skills. Let’s have a look at how to do automated recurring buys of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies.

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Learn how to code with Python – Lesson 5 – Basics wrapup

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Basic code wrapup
Basic code?

In this lesson, I bring together the few basics discussed in the previous videos and this video. To do this I will discuss one more important principle in programming and that is:


I have already introduced some data types like strings, integers, and floats. But there are more types you need to know about before we can continue.

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