Learn how to code with python: Lesson 1 – Hello World!

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Learn How to Code With Python
Learn How to Code With Python – Lesson 01

In this first lesson of my free video course: Learn how to code with Python, you will write your first python program. You may think that the program isn’t much, but actually, it is a big step to get code to run for the first time in a new programming language. It is also kind of a tradition that whenever you are introduced to a new language you start with printing a message to the screen, that says: “Hello World!”.

Code and explanation

Here is the code that is used in the video. As you can see the example is fairly simple. Most of the code in the file is actually notes (between the triple-double quotes). At the top of the file, I start with a hashbang (#!) and then the location of my Python3 install at ‘/usr/bin/python3’. This will ensure that this script will always be executed by that install of Python on my system. Most likely the script will also run without it. So the only line that actually takes care of the printing of the message is line 13, which says ‘print(“Hello World!”)’


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Learn how to code with python: Lesson 1 – Hello World!

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