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How to Automatically Buy Bitcoin Every Month

Three Ways to Automatically Buy Bitcoin Every Month, Week, Day
Three Ways to Automatically Buy Bitcoin Every Month, Week, Day

So, you want to buy Bitcoin automatically every month, week or even every day? In this article, I will show you three ways to automate your recurring Cryptocurrency buying from very easy, which will require no technical skills, to more complicated ways, that will require some technical skills. Let’s have a look at how to do automated recurring buys of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies.

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Seven Ways to Invest in Gold and Silver

Gold bars
Gold bars
In the previous post, I talked about why I invest in Gold and Silver. I explained that I mostly buy Silver coins, but there are many ways to invest in Gold, Silver and other precious metals such as Platinum and Palladium.

Here are seven ways to invest and trade in precious metals:

  1. Own and store physical Gold and Silver coins or bars, aka bullion, yourself
  2. Remote storage
  3. Spendable Gold and Silver
  4. Gold and Silver ETFs aka paper Gold and Silver
  5. Gold and Silver mining ETFs
  6. Gold and Silver Futures
  7. Gold and Silver CFDs

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Why Buy Gold and Silver?

Gold, Silver and Bitcoin
Gold, Silver and Bitcoin

I own crypto currencies, because I have come to the conclusion that money as we know it today is no longer sustainable. I have come to this conclusion during the crisis of 2008. At that time I had the intuition / the gut feeling something was wrong not only with our financial system, but more specifically with our money. It took a few years of researching and investigating until I figured it out. The thing is, part of me did not want to believe it was true. And for a long time I did not act upon the intuition and knowledge I had. That changed last year when I decided to put my money where my mouth is and I started to accumulate crypto currencies. Cryptos align perfectly with my expertises: coding and trading. So I went for it… And with success.

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Why I am a Trader and Investor and Why You Might Wanna be One Too

No, it’s not because of the Ferrari

I am a coder by day and trader by night! Coding is my day job. I am fully aware that only having a job will not allow me to provide for my family and myself consistently in the long run. This is because most of the western societies are setup in a way to be more and more disadvantageous towards the working middle class. I do not need to be a billionaire to be happy, but our society is becoming more and more binary. It seems that one can either be rich or poor, in which case I opt to be rich, or at least hedge myself against being poor. Trading and investing are my hedge against this trend.

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Getting into crypto currencies and block chain technology


It was in 2011 that I first picked up on something like Bitcoin as a digital currency. In 2013 my brother and I decided to buy some of this digital currency via a US based startup: Coinbase. I finally did not buy any, because ultimately I decided it was all a load of hot air, a bubble. My brother decided to try his luck and bought bitcoins worth of 50 USD. He made a backup of his wallet and than forgot about it. Then some exchanges got hacked and wallets were stolen. Many people just lost all their money. And I was thinking, I was right to call this a scam.

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